Google Calendar is an Opera widget that will let you manage your Google Calendar.
The Google Calendar is a free service provided by Google, that lets you manage your calendar online. This way you can arrange your appointments, enter new ones and share that information with your co-workers, that will be able to suggest new appointments and events as well.
This tiny application will let you perform every available action on your calendar, without the need of opening your browser.
As it is the case with every Opera Widget, you will need to have the Opera Browser installed if you want to use this program, but it is not necessary to run it to execute the widget.
The program will show the current month calendar, with the days that contain some entry marked. You can press the "Today" button, and the current date will be selected. You will read all the entries included in it below the calendar sheet. By pressing the "New Event" button you will be able to enter all the data for a new event. The "Refresh" button will read the calendar from the server again.